Beginner’s Guide to the Carnivore Diet: Everything You Need to Know

Beginner’s Guide to the Carnivore Diet: Everything You Need to Know

There are many high-protein diets available, but one stands out above the others. The carnivore diet gets its name from its emphasis on meat alone. For a carnivore diet beginner, this plan focuses exclusively on meat and animal products. A limited number of extreme sportsmen and celebrities, like podcaster Joe Rogan, have endorsed the carnivore diet, but many experts are suspicious about it despite the benefits of more balanced, high-protein diets being supported by certain research.

Everything you need to know about the carnivore diet, including the benefits and threats to your health, will be covered in this guide.

What is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet permits no carbohydrates, in contrast to other high-protein, low-carb diets. It consists of "only foods that either walked, swam, or flew," according to holistic dietician Kelly Schmidt, RD, who works as a private practitioner in Columbus, Ohio. "Eating only meat is not sexy," even though it can be trendy. "It's not enjoyable, and it's not colorful." Most of those who attempt the diet do so primarily to treat an autoimmune disease or reduce weight.

After experimenting with the paleo or ketogenic diets, people frequently move on to the carnivore diet, according to Diana Rodgers, RD, of the Sustainable Dish in Concord, Massachusetts. The Paleo diet, sometimes known as the "caveman" diet, excludes added sugars, grains, dairy products, and legumes in favor of an emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, grass-fed meats, and wild seafood.

Eating a lot of fat, moderate protein, and very little carbohydrates is the ketogenic diet, or "keto" diet. According to Rodgers, some people would prefer a high-protein diet like carnivores since they don't love eating the quantity of fat needed for the ketogenic diet.

Celebrities who swear to have seen life-altering benefits from the diet have drawn attention to it. For instance, Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila Peterson have made public statements regarding how the carnivore diet assisted them in managing depression and autoimmune illnesses. In a similar vein, Joe Rogan, who gained notoriety for trying the carnivore diet for 30 days, claimed to have more energy, improved digestion, and mental clarity. Even though he felt some discomfort at first, he said on his podcast that the overall outcome was remarkable.

However, adhering to the carnivore beginner diet's guidelines might be challenging. Here is a brief overview of the fundamental ideas:

  1. Eat exclusively animal-based foods: Meat, fish, eggs, and limited dairy (preferably high-fat).
  2. Do not eat anything plant-based: This includes vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes.
  3. Give high-fat foods priority: This helps fuel the body in the absence of carbohydrates.
  4. Stay hydrated: Water, bone broth, and salt are critical for maintaining electrolyte balance.

It's important to comprehend the science underlying this carnivore diet, which is high in meat for people who are interested in beginning the diet and balancing the advantages against the concerns.

What are the pros and cons of a carnivore diet for beginners?

The carnivore diet, like all diets, has admirers and critics. Let's look at the main benefits and risks of this diet, so you can decide whether it's good for you or not.

Carnivore Diet Benefits:

1. Weight Loss

Although weight loss from the carnivore diet is possible, it is probably due to a decrease in caloric intake rather than being directly linked to eating just meat. Animal protein is very satiating and may cause an inadvertent reduction in caloric consumption, even if the diet does not require any intentional calorie deficit. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to consume meat mindlessly, in contrast to simple carbs; think about how much easier it is to finish a bag of potato chips than to overeat a plate of chicken breast. A high-protein diet also encourages fullness, which lessens overindulgence and cravings.

2. Improved Mental Clarity

Many claim that giving up carbohydrates improves their ability to concentrate and think clearly. For instance, Joe Rogan's 30-day carnivore experiment left him with "superhuman" levels of mental clarity. Given that variations in blood glucose levels can affect cognitive performance, this could be the result of blood sugar levels stabilizing.

3. Increased Energy Levels

Advocates of the diet, like Joe Rogan, have cited boosted energy, particularly for physical activities. Some carnivores discover they have constant energy throughout the day since they do not experience the energy dips brought on by digesting carbohydrates. This makes it a desirable choice for people who work in physically demanding occupations or are athletes.

4. Reduction in Inflammation

Shawn Baker, one of the most vocal proponents of the carnivore diet, claims that eliminating plant-based foods has reduced inflammation in his body. From heart disease to arthritis, inflammation plays a major role in a number of chronic illnesses. Some carnivores think their bodies can heal more quickly if they exclude potential irritants like gluten and lectins, which are found in plants.

5. Simple Meal Prep

Meal planning becomes simple when complicated recipes or a wide variety of components are not required. Merely preparing meat is all that is needed for a carnivore diet, and it can be done swiftly and simply. Those seeking a fuss-free eating experience will find its simplicity appealing.

Carnivore Diet Risks:

1. Nutrient Deficiency

The diet may be deficient in important nutrients including fiber, vitamins, and minerals found in fruits and vegetables because it excludes any plant-based meals. Constipation and other digestive problems can result from a lack of fiber, which is essential for digestive health. Furthermore, a diet high in carnivorous meals is less likely to provide you with vitamins like C, which are abundant in plant-based foods.

2. Cholesterol Concerns

Concerns with heart health may arise from consuming large amounts of animal fats, which may raise cholesterol levels. Those who have a family history of heart disease should exercise caution, even if current research indicates that dietary cholesterol may not have as much of an impact on blood cholesterol as previously believed.

3. Digestive Issues

A diet low in fiber might cause constipation and other digestive issues in certain people. It can take some time for digestion to return to normal, despite claims made by some that the body adapts to a diet devoid of fiber. Incorporating organ meats and bone broth can help ease these symptoms.

Note: Before starting any restrictive diet if you are especially a beginner, it’s advisable to consult with a doctor or nutritionist to ensure it aligns with your health goals and prevents you from taking any risks.

Debunking Common Myths About the Carnivore Diet

With the rise in popularity of the carnivore diet, there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding it. Let’s clear up some of the most common myths:

Myth 1: The Carnivore Diet Causes Vitamin Deficiency

Vitamin deficiencies are a major concern associated with the carnivore diet, especially with regard to vitamin C, which is frequently present in fruits. Proponents counter that the diet's focus on organ meats (liver, for example), fresh, grass-fed meats, and fatty beef cuts can supply important vitamins, such as B12 and other fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). In addition, because they don't eat carbs, which raise oxidative stress in the body, many carnivores discover that they don't require as much vitamin C.

Myth 2: The Carnivore Diet is Bad for Your Heart

Some people think that the high fat content of the carnivorous diet, particularly the saturated fats, increases the risk of heart disease. Saturated fat and heart disease do not, however, directly correlate, according to current studies. Actually, a lot of people who follow a carnivorous diet report seeing changes in their triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, people who already have medical issues need to pay special attention to their health. And before starting any of the diets, first consult with the doctor or dietician.

Myth 3: You Can’t Get Enough Energy Without Carbs

Although most individuals get their energy mostly from carbs, the carnivore diet causes the body to enter a state called ketosis, when fat is used as the main fuel. Many discover that after they've gotten used to burning fat for fuel, their energy levels rise and become more steady. This is one of the reasons why endurance athletes are adopting the diet more frequently.

Getting Started on the Carnivore Diet: 5 Key Takeaways for Consistency

If you’re eager to try the carnivore diet, consistency is the key to success. Below are five tips for carnivore diet beginners to help you stay on track and make the diet sustainable in the long run.

1. Prioritize your health before indulging

    The primary reason to begin a carnivorous diet should always be health-related. Your objectives should revolve around feeling better and leading a healthier lifestyle, regardless of whether you're attempting to manage a medical problem, reduce weight, or sharpen your mind. As  Anthony Chaffee MD, and Shawn Baker have demonstrated, when done correctly, the diet can have profound impacts on well-being. Always listen to your body and adjust the diet if you notice negative side effects.

    2. Join communities that support your dietary goals

      Having the community's support can make it easier to stick to the carnivorous diet. There are several online communities for carnivores where you can meet people who live similar lifestyles. For example, Bella, also known as @steakandbuttergal, offers a popular 30-day challenge to help beginners kick start their journey. Dr. Robert Kiltz also provides a 30 Days to Carnivore course where participants can learn more about the science behind the diet.

      Tastee offers a Facebook group, Tastee Meat Tribe, where members can share their experiences, carnivore diet recipes, and participate in challenges. Building a support network can make it easier to troubleshoot problems, get inspiration, and stay motivated.

      3. Explore and try out different carnivore recipes

      Although the carnivore diet is limited in variety, trying out different meat-based recipes can keep things interesting. Influencers like Bella and Luna are known for their delicious and creative carnivorous meals. There's plenty to explore, ranging from steaks and roasts to more unusual alternatives like liver and bone marrow. In addition, Tastee offers a large selection of carnivorous recipes; for more inspiration, we suggest subscribing to the newsletter. You can stay consistent and prevent boredom by varying your meals.

      4. Get the Right Tools for Your Meat

      Using the proper tools is essential to perfectly cook meat. Ovens, grills, and skillets are essential pieces of kitchen equipment for carnivorous dieters. Air fryers with a temperature probe are great for quick and effective cooking, especially if they have a temperature probe like Tastee, which is particularly effective when preparing carnivore diet meals for beginners and experts as well. The Tastee temperature probe offers great convenience and reliability, ensuring that your meat is cooked to perfection every time, no matter the cut. Tastee's Multi-Stage Cooking Process and 450°F temperature range make it a versatile appliance for any carnivorous dinner.

      Grills are also excellent for frying a lot of meat and getting a beautiful sear. Nonetheless, an air fryer is a great option for everyday meal preparation because of its ease.

      Tastee Sensor Magic Smart Air Fryer

      5. Make a Carnivore Diet Meal Plan

      You can make sure you're achieving your nutritional needs and adhering to your dietary objectives by creating a planned meal plan. To make sure you get the nutrients you need, make a diet that includes a range of meats, organ meats, and animal-based fats. Diet plans by Shawn Baker provide great advice for both new and experienced carnivores.

      Having a well-planned meal plan also lessens the likelihood of you breaking your diet because you'll always have a tasty, carnivorous meal available.

      The Importance of Organ Meats in the Carnivore Diet

      Organ meats, such as liver, heart, and kidney, are extremely nutrient-dense and should be included in your meal plan, even though muscle meats like steak and chicken are mainstays of the carnivore diet. Vital minerals such as iron, zinc, vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids are found in organ meats and may be deficient in a diet high in muscle meats alone. Additionally, they provide a variety of flavor profiles, which can keep dinners interesting.

      Start slowly if you're not used to eating organ meats by adding them to ground meat blends or as a garnish for steaks. After they've adapted, a lot of folks discover that organ meats end up being their favorite component of carnivorous meals.


      The carnivore diet is an extreme but growingly popular eating plan that has the endorsement of well-known people like Anthony Chaffee MD, Joe Rogan, and Jordan Peterson. The diet carries certain hazards, such as the possibility of dietary deficits and digestive problems, even if it has been shown to have positive effects, such as weight loss, increased mental clarity, and decreased inflammation. It's crucial to speak with a healthcare provider before beginning the carnivore diet, to be sure it will support your overall health objectives.

      When attempting the carnivore diet as a beginner, it's important to put your health first, interact with like-minded people, experiment with different dishes, buy quality kitchenware, and stick to a set meal schedule. Your success in this meat-based lifestyle will be determined by how well you incorporate organ meats and maintain consistency.

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